LoanFlight charges no lender fees. If your client's loan estimate shows lender fees, they are already paying too much. Work with a lender that knows what the customer wants.
LoanFlight is generally about 0.50% less than your local lender. This gives your client more buying power and higher loan amounts mean more commissions for the agent!
LoanFlight issues fully underwritten approval letters, not pre-approvals. This saves you time so you only show houses your client can afford and makes offers more credible.
Since we fully underwrite our client's loans in advance, we can short circuit the usual process and close loans fast. This ensures your borrower closes on time.
LoanFlight's Agent App enables agents to invite their clients to apply, keep track of their application status and download approval letters.
iOS Download | Android Download
When you enter your client's data into the mobile app and choose your LoanFlight loan officer, your client will get an invitation via email to complete their app online.
You'll be able to see, in real time, where your clients are in the application process and download documents including approval letters.
Once an offer is accepted, upload the contract and see in real-time exactly where your client's loan is in the process. You'll be able to view any outstanding items your client needs in order to close their loan on time.
NMLS #1522344
4343 Anchor Plaza Pkwy
Suite 170
Tampa, FL 33634
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All rights reserved.